Time, move on! There’s nothing here to heal

One year later

Half of my post-you life as I am now calling it coincides with my time in Greece. I wish you could see how dog-friendly Athens has become. I reckon the crisis has shut off romantic relationships, and those lucky enough to have kept their partner cannot afford a baby or don’t find the courage to bring one into this mad world. So, Athenians have turned to adorable, frisky rescue puppies. But it seems that many of these owners cannot respond to the long-term commitment as wherever I go, I come across lonely and skittish homeless dogs. I have developed a hobby, and I am taking Instagram photos of disadvantaged animals because recording their existence is the least I can do or is it that I see something in them that I want to capture and never let go? Dogs, just like human beings, who have been through some tough luck in their lives tend to have a considerate and affectionate personality. I don’t know what Oscar Wilde had in mind when he said that “behind every exquisite thing that existed, there was something tragic”, but when I read his words, I think of you Guru — your supreme essence that blossomed in our home the moment it felt safe and loved. Your majesty, balancing on your tragedy, has taught us that every adversity we meet in life is one of the many blocks that along with the blocks of victory build the tower of our life.

But, life without you is the tower with one less block.  

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